Soy el futuro de mi pasado, el pasado de mi futuro, la viva esencia de mi presente...

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Memories of a young tree

Se recomienda la cancion de ENYA - WILD CHILD

Memories of a young tree

Sometimes the tree tries to remember who was the kid that put her in that beautiful place, with many trees, old ones and young ones like her, with small but gorgeous flowers, she tries so hard but the oldest memory that the tree kept is one, the night she opened her leaves and her eyes and the first thing she saw was the brilliant moon in the black sky, that night the moon was not quite a new moon nor a full moon, she smile she felt like she could do anything.

She was trying to grow up, just a little bit, she wanted to say hello to the eagle that was living in the tree next to her.

The tree has a dream: Fly, high as the eagle until she can reach the moon. She tried everyday and
every time she shook her arms and roots, the only thing that happened was that many of her toasted leaves fell down and covered the purple flowers at her roots.

The window was as cold as your eyes the day I went away...
I know your heart is fearful, but mine it's frozen.

4 comentarios:

dianastrocyte dijo...

Rompamos esta entrada...

dianastrocyte dijo...

Bueno. Me inspiraste. Gracias.
Me llamó la atención que, desde hace mucho, no escribías en otro color que no fuera morado. Y, curiosamente, esta estrada hace referencia al color como lo inalcanzable.
Digo yo, el verde son sus ventanas, así que se transforman en el camino. El morado ¿es el hogar al qué quieres entrar?

medaflojeraescribirmicuentadeusuario...pequenia dijo...

Me encantó la ultima frase...

Nabil dijo...

Ya sé! si de por sí el escrito es increíble, la frase del final me dejo sencillamente inmóvil... TKM sist!